Journey into Healing

Karma Clearing Forgiveness Meditation

Forgiveness not only releases you from toxic anger but forgiveness is also the eradicator of karma according to The Law of One and my own channeled material. Think of karma as the energetic force that balances the experiences of a soul rather than a punishment. It does not serve a soul to go too far in the direction of light (creation) or dark (destruction). Forgiving yourself and forgiving another helps to free the both of you from karmic entanglements, so your souls can go on to other experiences. Offering forgiveness does mean that you have to become best friends or even keep them in your life; it means letting go of anger and condemnation that can stagnate your soul’s growth. In some cases it may mean asking for your forgiveness as well or forgiving yourself for not keeping healthier boundaries with the person who hurt you. If someone does not choose to forgive you, you can still forgive yourself for hurting them (whether or not you think you did anything “wrong”) and send them love. You can free yourself from that karmic entanglement even if the other person is not ready to.

When we are unable to forgive those who hurt us we are very likely to:

-Keep attracting people who will continue to hurt us in a similar way

-Hurt others by taking our anger out on them

-Not be able to forgive ourselves

-Replay the hurt in another life with the same person

Free yourself and others through the power of forgiveness.

Karma Clearing Forgiveness Meditation

1 Get centered and calm and consider burning sage and/or palo santo to create a sacred healing space. You may want to ask your guides to assist in the process.


Forgiving Others

2 Let a person come to mind whom you wish to forgive.

3 Say their name out loud and offer forgiveness (and love and blessings if this feels right).

4 Pause and feel the heaviness between the two of you lightening. You may experience a yawn, tears (not from crying), shivers or some other body sensation as karmic energy is being cleared from your energy field. Wait for a feeling of completeness.

5 Repeat steps 2-4 with other people whom you wish to forgive.

6 Offer forgiveness to anyone from another life who has hurt you (and love and blessings if this feels right).

7 Visualize a group of people with karmic cords attached to you, and see the cords disappearing as you clear binding karmic energy between you and them through forgiveness.

8 Pause and notice any body sensations and wait until this process feels complete.

Forgiving family members including family members whom you have never met is a powerful way to clear ancestral trauma in your family line. If you had parents who hurt you (which is just about everyone), then you can bet that their parents hurt them and so forth. After I did some forgiveness work with all four of my grandparents (whom I had never met since they all died before I was born), they all communicated with me individually while I was meditating. Some of them explained why things happened and some just expressed grief. I found each communication to be very healing and significant for clearing our family’s ancestral pain. My father’s father even said that the forgiveness I gave my father helped him in his own forgiveness and healing path on the other side.


Asking For Forgiveness

9 Let a person come to mind whom you wish to ask for forgiveness.

10 Ask for forgiveness out loud and consider saying how sorry you are for hurting them or be specific about how you hurt them.

11 I highly recommend offering them love and blessings.

12 Pause and notice any body sensations and wait until it feels right to move on to next person.

13 Repeat steps 9-12 with whomever else comes to mind.

14 Ask for forgiveness from anyone in other lives whom you have hurt.

You can do this 2 ways:

14A Visualize a group of people with cords attached to you, and see the cords disappearing as you clear binding karmic energy between you and them. (Just like step 7.)

Forgiving others and forgiving ourselves frees everyone.

14B Ask for forgiveness for a specific act, and pause and notice how this feels, and wait to go on to the next specific act until it feels right.

It may seem strange to ask for forgiveness from someone you don’t know and especially strange to ask for forgiveness for something you don’t even know or remember you did. Consider that Earth is a place where Consciousness comes to explore the full depths of light (creation) and dark (destruction). Most beings on Earth have played the FULL spectrum of dark and light roles in various lives. This means that most beings on Earth in one life or another, have murdered and been murdered, raped and been raped, tortured and been tortured, lied, manipulated and so forth.

Whichever way you choose (14A or 14B), know that you are taking responsibility and offering powerful healing to yourself and others which is crucial for the evolution of your soul. Everyone is a divine manifestation of our infinite creator, and everyone deserves forgiveness including you.


I know becoming aware of your possible darkness may be very shocking and uncomfortable to you. It certainly was to me when I was shown my darkness from other lives. I have always considered myself to be extremely kind and considerate of others. I was very bothered by what I learned about myself. Finally, after a few years of “wrestling with my past demons” I realized the reason I had basically been only shown dark past lives was so that I could forgive myself. My soul had been carrying these burdens from lifetime to lifetime and tending toward self-sacrifice. I even let myself be sacrificed as a Mayan girl. I have lost tens of thousands of dollars to people who took advantage of me in this life because I was under the false belief that I needed take care of others before myself. Wow, those were painful lessons! I have now chosen forgiveness for myself and will no longer self-sacrifice.

Unburden yourself through the power of forgiveness.


Forgive Yourself

Do not miss this step!

15 Offer yourself a blanket forgiveness or go through individual acts with specific people from this life or acts you may have committed in other lives.

16 Notice any body sensations and feel for completeness before you go on to another person or act.

You are just as important as anyone else and deserve all the love and forgiveness that anyone else deserves no matter what you have done. Our Infinite Creator does not condemn, so no one needs forgiveness from our Creator, but we tend to condemn ourselves and others. We forget that we are all one being interacting with various versions of ourselves for fun and learning. We forget that we have soul contracts with the people who have challenged us the most so that we could evolve. We forget that we are great friends with these people who challenge us, and that we love them very much.

You may want to repeat this forgiveness process several times for a couple of weeks and then come back to this process whenever it calls to you. The first few times I went through this forgiveness process I shed many tears (different than crying- more like eyes watering) and had many giant yawns which are both signs of energetic releases. I actually had the strongest responses when I was asking forgiveness from people from other lives as I went through several hurtful acts I assume (but do not have any memories of) I have committed.

Make sure to honor your authentic process and timing. After a partner betrayed me, I was so angry for a few months that I could not even think of forgiving him. I knew I wanted to in the future, but I was really honoring my anger and pain in the present. After my anger subsided a tiny bit, I began to offer him forgiveness a few times a week. As I worked through my anger and pain I was eventually able to forgive him 100%. It is really important to make sure we process through our emotions either before or as we go through the forgiveness process so we don’t create any unresolved pain which will have to be dealt with at some point so might as well do it now while it is fresh and very accessible.

It may feel difficult to offer forgiveness to someone when you still feel a lot of pain from what they did. Even if you do not 100% mean it, go ahead and say the words “I forgive you” anyways. Keep offering forgiveness, and every time you will mean it a little more and more. Offering forgiveness does not mean that you have to trust them again or even have them in your life.

Forgiveness releases both of you from toxic anger and binding karmic ties.

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