About Rachel Hope



Ever since my first trip to Peru in 2012 to work with sacred plant medicines, I knew my life was going to be centered around healing: myself and helping others. Before that trip, I worked in Real Estate and thought healing was something that just happened with time. The life-changing Ayahuasca and San Pedro medicine ceremonies taught me that healing is a very important journey on our life path. Our soul comes to Earth to heal, grow, and help others.


It brings me so much joy to help others on their healing path. I feel very guided in my sessions by Spirit. Direct experience has shown me that we all have spiritual guardians who assist us throughout life and especially during healing sessions (for both practitioner and client). My intuition has become a powerful resource during sessions. My body lights up with shivers, tingles, and yawns as I help clients clear old emotional energy.

I have a few core beliefs I want to share with you.
  • We pick families and bodies that will help us to grow as souls and to accomplish our life missions of service to others.
  • On a very fundamental level we are all One. I have had some profound experiences during plant medicine ceremonies where I knew I was the Creator and so was everyone else. There is no such thing as other. Loving others and loving our self is the same, and sometimes loving our self means keeping toxic people out of our lives.
  • We are not alone. We have a spiritual team of guides, ancestors, and our Higher Self giving us help and encouragement. We only need to be open to this concept and the messages start appearing more and more in the form of synchronicities.
  • Healing is proactive. Time only buries wounds. Love and compassion for our self is the cornerstone of healing.
  • Sometimes we need support on our healing path, and I would be honored to assist you. Since you have made your way to this site, something inside you is stirring. Perhaps I could be a powerful ally for you on your journey. We can find out in a free Discovery Call.  You can book this here.

A little more of my story…

Everything changed when I got home from my first trip to Peru. I began to tap into the mysterious magic of life. I started noticing the Universe sending me messages in the form of synchronicities. I learned to trust my intuition. I felt connected to a greater consciousness. I was not alone! I had help from unseen loving forces.

I quickly met people who were on a similar spiritual healing path and was soon leading events in the community (even though this was not something I ever saw myself doing.) The Universe seemed to have a plan for me, and I was doing my best to surrender into the flow.

After what I would call the “rainbows and unicorns” phase of my spiritual awakening, things got really hard. 

I began to uncover years of repressed horrific abuse. I was shocked to learn the truth of my childhood. I knew it was a painful experience, but I had no idea how dark it was. My world shattered, but now I was beginning to understand the full scope of my early trauma. I could better understand why I had been such a door mat for so long. I now knew what needed to be healed.

The combination of my early wounds and a broken heart a couple years later led me to inner child work. I knew emotional healing was important, and I was searching for effective ways to release trapped emotional energy. Inner Child work taught me about subconscious programming and a light bulb went off! Trapped emotions alone could not explain why I had been so prone to self-sacrifice to my detriment my whole life.

Research taught me how incredibly life-changing inner child work is, but my own journey showed me how loving and teaching our inner child new life-affirming beliefs can transform our lives.  Please see the bottom of my home page for more information about my own healing process.  

I truly believe that connecting with the hurt parts of our psyche that are still holding pain (whether from age 5 or 55) is key to really moving forward. These parts (our inner child) need love and compassion as well as guidance from a loving adult (us!) so they can let go of their pain. Combining inner child work with Emotion Code or Body Code sessions (which release trapped emotional and other imbalances from the body) is a profound and efficient way to heal the past and transform today.

Some more things about me:

  • I LOVE dogs, camping, hiking, rock climbing, cuddling, and dancing!
  • I have over 500 hours of energy and body work training.
  • I have led more than 50 healing oriented workshops and events since 2013.
  • I completed a one year counseling program called Interchange in 2016.
  • I have a Masters of Science degree in Holistic Nutrition from Clayton College of Natural Health.