Journey into Healing

Are you an old soul who came to help heal your family line? Most likely, YES!

Some ancient traditions says that when we do our healing work, we heal 7 generations into the future and 7 generations back.

Modern science is showing through the study of epigenetics what ancient cultures have known for many generations: unresolved trauma is passed down family lines.

Epigenetics is showing that tiny chemical tags (from trauma) affect how DNA is read and expressed in the body without changing the DNA itself. We inherit these tags, and if we don’t remove these tags through our own healing work, we pass them down to the future generations.

Many believe that the most spiritually oriented person of a family chose to incarnate into that particular family line to help heal that lineage. This person might often be referred to as an old soul.

Most people are not very interested in healing, so since you are reading this, you are a little different than the general population and maybe you feel like you don’t quite fit it with your family.

Consider that as souls we choose which body we will incarnate into. We choose a family and body that will create circumstances that will help us to grow, evolve, and accomplish our life missions.

Consider that there would be multiple suitable options, so why do we choose the particular family we are born into? Is it because we feel called to help heal that line? In some cases, I think so. 

I got this message when I was working with the powerful plant medicine called Iboga last fall in Costa Rica to help me heal childhood trauma. An amazing aspect of Iboga is how clearly you can get answers. I asked why I chose my family, and I heard, “The Fowlers were in trouble. You knew you could help.” (My full name is Rachel Hope Fowler.) I believe the Fowler line has a history of at least 10 generations of organized abuse of children which has been passed down systematically to each generation. 

My healing helps to stop the cycle of abuse and helps others in my family to heal just as your healing helps your family. 

Could it be that one of your life missions is to help end the pattern of abuse in your family or to heal trauma from war or a natural disaster that has been getting passed down the line?

When we decide to heal our wounds by loving the parts of ourselves still carrying pain, we send a message out into the field that the cycle of abuse stops with us. 

The most powerful way to heal family trauma is to heal your own unresolved trauma because it is directly related. Hurt people often hurt people in the same way they were hurt. Healing your own pain puts the energy of healing your family’s trauma out into the field which helps other family members to heal.

Healing trauma involves loving our inner child who holds the wounding, staying in connection with our body as sensations come up, and releasing trapped energy from the traumatic event which is often emotions. I also highly recommend plant medicine ceremonies, but this route is not for everyone. 

Sometimes in Emotion Code/Body Code sessions inherited emotions come up. The emotion was inherited at conception from the sperm or egg. We can trace the origin back to the original ancestor it came from, and we clear this emotion from the whole line (back and forward).

If you haven’t already, make sure to download a free guide to creating a healing relationship with your inner child.  Becoming a loving parent to the hurt parts of ourselves is a powerful way to change harmful programming from childhood trauma.

Access the free guide: Heal the Past, Transform Today, HERE.

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