
Authenticity – the highest frequency a human can emit

A video clip of Gary Brecka talking at a10X Ladies Conference has become viral and for good reason. Gary Brecka, a human biologist, who has spent over 20 years in the biohacking field said “Do you know what the most powerful frequency to leave the human body is? It is the frequency of authenticity. Authenticity is 4000 times more powerful than love. It is so powerful that it can actually change the frequency of a person that you’re talking to when your words are truthful, and you believe what you’re saying.”

He is referring to the work of researchers in Germany. They were able to measure the vibration of people having various emotions. Authenticity created the highest frequency (according to SPANE scale). It is even higher than gratitude and love.

A lot of clients come to me in search of support with finding their purpose in life.

I would say that everyone has at least one life mission in common: to evolve into your authentic self.

We don’t really know who we truly are until we start to heal and unravel all the survival and coping mechanisms that we created in order to survive childhood. The limiting beliefs we form in order to try and find acceptance and love or to avoid getting hurt shape our personality. This is not our true self. This is our mask.

We may really need our mask when we are young. It might be the only way we get attention or validation. “If I am perfect, Dad won’t be mad at me. He might even take me to the park.”

As children, we absolutely need attention from adults. We need their approval. It is a matter of survival. Many of us received love on a conditional basis, and we picked up on that fast. We had too. We figured out how we needed to act in order to be safe and to be ok.

The problem is that these strategies don’t just go away after we grow up and we are no longer in chaotic or unsafe environments. They have become powerful subconscious programs.

The subconscious runs 95% of our life! 95%!!!

We can read books and go to workshops to work on our conscious beliefs. “Yes, my needs matter! Yes, it is ok to say no!” However, when emotional triggers kick in, we will tend to revert to our subconscious programs or beliefs.

Our conscious brain (5%) may know we can say no, but if we were not allowed to have a voice in childhood, we will most likely really struggle with saying no.

In order to transform, and be our authentic self, we must shift our limiting subconscious programming.

Inner child healing is the most powerful avenue to becoming our authentic self – to vibrate at the highest emotional frequency.

With inner child healing, You are doing several things that may not happen with other types of subconscious program healing/altering methods.

1 You are creating an empowering, loving, compassionate and nurturing relationship with yourself. A lot of people are their own worst critics. You learn how to be loving and kind with yourself, no matter what. (Especially when you REALLY need support.)

2 You are healing old wounds, so the subconscious can finally move memories from the “unprocessed” to the “processed file cabinet” in your brain. This frees up a tremendous amount of life force energy. Maybe you could use some more energy? 😎

3 You learn self-love. You can start to like and even love yourself in ways you have never before because it was foreign or unfamiliar. Imagine how life shifts when you truly adore yourself?

My capacity to give and receive love greatly expanded after I started seeing my inner child as adorable, lovable, precious and so incredibly cute.

It is a skill to be able to open your heart in that way. We need to learn that skill if we did not receive that from both parents.

Here is a great tip: think about the most precious animal or person you know. Feel that love in your body. Aren’t they so amazing! So precious! So beautiful! Now send that love inward.

Your inner child is every bit and maybe even a tiny bit more precious than your special animal or loved one. I promise you; your inner child is so incredibly special and lovable. If you feel resistance to my last statement, your inner child really needs some love, and you might need some outside support with this.

When you step into your authenticity, a lot of magical things happen.

1 You are free from the burden of other people’s opinions and judgements. You don’t crave validation and approval like you used to. You get to be honest with yourself and others. You don’t have mold yourself into what you think others find acceptable. What a relief!

Boundaries and self-expression become more natural and not so scary.

2 You are able to design your life as you want it – not what others want from you. This is true freedom. This is what your soul longs for.

3 Relationships are more fulfilling. When you dare to show your true self to others, you are creating real intimacy. When you form relationships with your mask on, you are creating a false relationship because it is not really you.

4 You energetically open the door for others to be their authentic self around you. This creates true connection.

5 You are radiating the highest form of spiritual energy. Spirituality is finding your own truth in context to your life and the Universe. The Universe wants you to discover who you truly are. As you radiate out this powerful vibration, you are affecting everyone around you in a really meaningful way. You are energetically helping them to be their true self.

I invite you to book a free Discovery Call so we can talk about your healing goals and how inner child healing can help you to take the mask off and be your authentic self.  

What clients are saying about inner child healing:

“Your work is so important to the whole world!”  

“OMG, Rachel, thank YOU!  It has been one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  But sooooooooo well worth it.”

“You have a gift. Thank you so much for offering this transformative work.  It goes so deep and people are noticing the shifts in me.  This is life changing.  You pack a punch in such a beautiful way.”


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