Messages from the Universe

5 Ways to Know That You are Receiving Guidance from the Universe

Synchronicities are the most prevalent form of guidance from the Universe, your Spirit Guides & your Higher Self. This post will help you to decide if you have received some guidance to pay attention to. Check out my other post on how synchronicities may show up: animals, discussions, seeing things in multiples, bumper stickers, internet searches, conversations, etc.

Have you ever wondered how the Universe may be sending you signs? Often, we are given guidance in the form of synchronicities. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences. Coincidences imply that two related events happened just by random; there is no significant connection. Have you ever heard something similar to: “What a coincidence you just brought that workshop up. I was just thinking about registering!”? Instead of viewing this “coincidence” as random, could it be that the Universe whispered in your friend’s ear to talk about the workshop so it would be more on your radar and you would be more likely to go because there is some important thing for you to learn or a person for you to connect with?

Synchronicities are often very subtle and can easily be dismissed if you are not open to the magic of the Universe. Our Spirit Guides and Higer Self want us to be present and pay attention because the signs are often inconspicuous. An important rule of this Holographic Video Game Matrix experience we call life on Earth is that our guides cannot interfere with our free will, so they are very unlikely to materialize in your bedroom and say “Yes, do this thing!” Your guides are much more likely to drop discreet little clues that you will likely miss if you are not paying attention. Most of us are not paying attention because we are caught up in our mind with the past and the future almost all of the time. If you can just give yourself moments of being very present, your intuition can shine through and you will start seeing more clues and messages from the Universe. (Please note that I use “the Universe” and “Spirit Guides” and “Higher Self” interchangeably)

Since synchronicites can be so subtle (although sometimes they are very obvious), how can we know if we are really receiving a message?

Here are 5 ways to tell if you are receiving guidance:

1 The same thing keeps happening. I first noticed that the Universe was talking to me when birds kept flying by, landing near me, or chirping right as I was having important thoughts. I thought to myself that this was quite unusual but I must be making this up. The birds kept coming, day after day, month after month, year after year. It became easy to tell that something magical was happening in my life and maybe it was happening before but I certainly did not notice it before.

2 You feel your body light up with energy, tingles, shivers, or strange bodily sensations that were not happening just before you noticed the synchronicity. Often when I notice a “sign” my body will give me a confirmation by giving me a strong shiver that starts in my base or root chakra and ascends all the way up my spine out through my head. If you hang out with me long enough, you will notice me do a little shake from time to time. As the shiver exits my body, I flinch or jerk a bit; I cannot stop it. I actually really welcome these shivers because they feel pleasurable, and they are an obvious confirmation to a perhaps subtle message.

3 You suddenly JUST KNOW. Your intuition kicks in (the more you trust your intuition, the more it will speak to you), and you have such a strong feeling that something significant just happened and you want to pay attention. About a month after my beloved Mom died I was thinking about her and wondering if she was around; right at that moment I smelled her sweet scent. The scent was unmistakable and came right as I was having the thought, “Is she around?” My inner “knowingness” immediately jumped in to tell me that “Yes, indeed Mom is around and she just showed you!”

4 Two events are just so unlikely that it would be a 1 in a trillion chance for these two things/events/people to align. Two years ago, I was driving home from my mortgage job, and I was thinking about a story my friend had told me just the day before. In Mount Shasta he had a vision of an army of 6 foot tall praying mantis humanoids, and then when he walked a few feet back to his car, he noticed his keys were missing. He had the strong impression that this army had somehow taken his keys. His missing keys ended up forcing him to get a ride down the mountain where he met 2 amazing people whom he had a very strong connection with and would not have met if his keys had not gone mysteriously missing. He got a ride back up the mountain, and his keys were sitting on his front seat, right where he and his friend had looked before! There was no way, he could have missed that. Now back to my story… At the moment I started thinking about this story a praying mantis jumped onto my windshield right in front of my line of sight!! I was driving 50 miles an hour and had not noticed him before. This happened in Walnut Creek, CA where I more or less grew up and this is the only praying mantis I have ever seen in the area. I was not sure what to make of the synchronicity, but I have no doubt it was a message from the Universe. Perhaps the guidance is to let me know that there are many beings we cannot see that help us in our daily lives.

5 A part of the equation defies the “regular” laws of 3D reality. On Mother’s Day 2015, I was meditating and sending my late Mom some love. I asked if she was around.  I got the distinct feeling that she indeed was there with me, and when I finished my meditation and opened my eyes, I had no doubt my deceased Mom had made her presence unquestionable. The blinds were wrapped around the little bookshelf she had given me that sat in front of my window. I made sure to close the blinds before I started meditating because it was night and my bedroom window was on a fairly busy street, and I wanted privacy. I wiggled with the blinds, and there was no way I could make the blinds wrap around the bookshelf without deliberately doing it myself. It was such a special treat to have her show up so big for me on our first Mother’s day apart!

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